This poster of the girls eye looks very frightening. The way they have used one eye makes it look more daunting and unique. The hair coming over the eye makes the girl look more disturbed. You can see from the poster that this is the character which everyone will be scared of and that the storyline is to do why she is like this. The image used shows she is very troubled and leaves the audience wondering who she is and why she looks so distressed. As the image is in black and white it makes the audience think of a horror film rather than a romantic comedy or a action.
The writing on the Poster where it says 'The Grudge' is in red which makes the audience think of things associated with red for example as its a horror film they might believe the red symbolises blood. This gives of the impression that the girl in the image will be a murderer or the girl who is going to be murdered.
The tag line of the film 'It never forgives. It never forgets' gives the audience a little bit more about what the film could be about. It makes you think that you're never safe and she will always be there. It also makes her seem very lonely like she doesn't have anyone else important to her.
I think that the use of the image against the writing looks good as the alignment of the text and the eye shows the audience that she is very important within the storyline and she is the one with the grudge.
What i would like to consider now looking at this poster is using a main image to advertise the film rather than filling it with too much writing. Also using quite a small text not on the image so that it doesn't distract you from the most important thing which is person or object on the front.
The next poster i will be looking at and analysing is 'drag me to hell' which is a horror film. This poster especailly look frightening. The use of the image on this poster makes the audience know that the genre of this film will be a horror. Even though the house in the background isnt the main focus of the image it still looks haunted and would be used in a horror film.
The image of the woman being pulled by these mysterious hands makes the audience really want to find out what they are doing to her which is is good as it may make someone want to see the film as you want to find out what is going to happen. The woman is screaming showing the audience that she is terrified and there is something or someone making her feel scared. This will make the audience want to find out what is going to happen to her. As her head is being pulled back it shows that the life is being pulled from her. This shows that it is a horror as there is someone who is suffering and feeling very scared and anxious.
The flames sybolise hell and that as they are surrounding the woman this shows that at some point in the film she maybe pulled into hell. Flames are dangerous which shows that this film will be full of dangers and risk.
The capital letters of the film title makes it stand out and also makes the audience see how the image and the title relate and this will make the audience have an insight into what the film is about. From just looking at the poster it is good to show something about what the film is going to be about but you shouldnt show too much on just the poster as you dont want to make the film predictable.
The hands in the poster are burnt from the flame and look very old and damaged. The hands are an imporant part of the film and they are shown but not to obviously on the poster. They show damaged hands which show horror and gore not something nice which shows the audience how scary and terrifying it will be.
The Univited film poster i find especially chilling. This is because of the way the writing is and the way the woman is standing through the window. The tress in the background also look very daunting as they are in black and white and it is cloudy it makes it look even more chilling. The window is very old fashioned which shows that the film maybe set in the past and the woman in the poster is from another time.
The woman's hair is over her face leaving the audience to wonder what is her face like. As this is a horror film people may think they the face is being hidden as it is very scary and they want to show it in the film and not on the poster. As in the poster you dont want to give away to much about what is going to happen in the film.
The hands on the poster agaisnt window make it seem as if she is trying to get in. This may suggest that she is running away from something or she is trying to get in so that she can hurt the people through the window. The hands look torn and appear to have blood on them. As it is in black and white you cannot see its blood for sure but it does look like she has blood on her hands. This suggests that she maybe a killer and that danger surrounds her.
The writing on the poster of 'The Uninvited' is slanted which suggests that it is a horror as not everything is perfect and that there is something happening which is not right. The child like handwriting suggests that this person on the front maybe just a child and that something may have happened to her. As white may show innocence and purity it could suggest to you that not everything is how it looks and there is something else happening which could be a twist in the film. Also white could show the light before you die showing that she maybe dead or she could be the murdered who is making others see the light as she kills them.
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